Monday, October 12, 2015

Halloween Post - Star Wars Edition

As I was looking around for Halloween costumes for the Dragonetts and Hatchlings, I kept favouriting Star Wars costumes.

So here's a post dedicated to our favourite Star Wars Costumes...

Let's start with the Hatchlings - 

Love this for a little one!

Princess Leia set from SunnyCrochet

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For the Little Bounty Hunter in all of us

Boba Fett Crochet hat from Handmade75
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For the school aged costumers -

Obi Wan Kenobi from Kenickys

I am in LOVE with this seller!! A HUGE range of costumes... I had to hide my screen from the Dragonetts to avoid the "OOHH I WANT THAT ONE!!" lol

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And what is an Obi Wan without a Princess Leia?

Princess Leia from kellyscostumes
We are HUGE fans of kellyscostumes - they have been featured on here before! Some day, we might even be able to buy one of their gorgeous costumes!!

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Now Costumes for the 'Big Kids' aka us adults

Adult Star Wars Costumes from KatashaCostumes

Just fabulous!!

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And a fan favourite in the Jolly Dragon household - Han Solo!

Han Solo costume from magicwardrobe

And that's not including all the C3POs and R2D2s across the age ranges ~lol~

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